Friday, September 01, 2006

Sept. 1 Update

Coming to busy again in RL... will continue to 2 weeks or so again. Cant do new things much except making clothes. Also fixed some problems around Store, staff and something, hope nothing happen on next week... Yes, peace is most important. :)

New Clothes:
-Tori help me to posting new clothes infomations on her blog and SL forum. Thank you very much! :D So please check there what is nice, however, its the if the prodcut possible to suspect broken/or not broken but close to broken PG code, will not going there like sheer clothes, and BDSM clothes if its hide bits or not.

-Cat demon tails, sent to all manager for update, please give perople even who got in Aug 19 event,
-Turtan red shirts, was just relesed, asked to Zore for update.

-Black version fo White Sentry.
-Girls version of Jumpsuit.
-Blue Turtan.
-New goth lori dress.
-Kang fu fignthing for centaur looks AV. Done for this one.

-Club Industry offer us free sport of vendor, and sat up there. Thank you fro help for it Ami chan!

-Raffle event, making Yuffie clothes with Hina for it. I will make another clothes as additional as regular raffle.
-Bikers event, making bike for give away on the event.

-Furnation staff offer us vendor and joint event, will talk with them in this weekend.
-Will get interview from SL Business magazine, Zore will help me for english correction.
-Helping Two Lindens personaly, hope its connected to make people happy. :)
-Japanese font for SL, you can find bord on staff room, with use it, you can see japanese text in SL.


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