Nov. 22 Update
About one month left for Xmass! We will going to decolation and such to be Xmass slowly, I will change texture for dance floor and such to be good for Xmass slowly. :)
-Kunoichi Alian Hunter.. While making under shirts for "Stripe retro bare", was playing around... then result is this suit... Fire Prince + Commando + Kunoichi like one. And made it to be cyber, so Alian name puted on it.
-Fire Prince...Leather Prince + Racer suit + Fantasy. Mixd 3 for mens Black trim one puted on the box after starting to sale by request.
-Simple Furniture...Some regular furniture I want in rl :p made for bookstore basicaly. Thank you fro Hina to give me a pose ball.
-Unusual Fairytale...Starting idea is Fairytale's princess to be more goth like.
-Santa Kimono...This is old one, released last Xmass.
-Dark Omen...Hina named this evil looks sword, made for KULL Baron, who making DarkLife weapon, he will put script on it and find on DarkLife world with our landmark and B@R tag. :)
-Tartan Tartan Brown will out tomorow morning.
-Stripe version of Retro Bare like, top is done but not idea for under so pending now.
-Some santa outfits.
-Texture for store.
-Mesh mini skirt by request.
-White mens coat by request.
-Camo Down.
-Cami/babydoll type clothes.
-Free clothes for Sab's SIM (our furry DJ) .
-Yakuza clothes for men.
-On manager meeting, we decided 3 Strike rule apply now on staff, and its active now, please refer the group notice for detail.
-Re-organized DJ Schedule,
-Added Furnation ATM on store, we are first SIM outside of Furnation. :)
-New Helper: Hensonian Pennyfeath
-Name is Ogo Radio, what Billy picked up. Still preparing for it.
Book store:
-Added some magazine, almost done for deco, and starting good :)
-Name That Game, Van's event, and Furry Event. 3 Event for this week.
-Asking to Vivi and Van for Xmas event,
-Billy got AV name as "BareRose Tokyo" for me X), Since Tokyo is available for last name in this week, just for a name, no idea at this time what to use X)
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