Sunday, January 22, 2006

Jan 23 Update

New Products:
-Crystal Angel -Outfits with prims wings and blink script on it. Made from illustlation what request from Bodhi's friend. Bit diffarent from original but she seems to be happy, so would be ok. :p Bottom pantie shape is Kelindra mention me before, if my understanding is right. X) White and red on it, but you can change tint for the outfits though.
-High Legs Bikini - Simple Bikini, Original request from Aspen, Rikku outfits from Final fantasy. She just need the bikini shape and skirt, Im ade them regular looks one. White one possible to tintable, so she can make yellow version from it. 5 colors and 2 skirts bundle.
-Loincloth -Made by request from flurry boys, 5 variation of mens cloth, skirt type.
-School Blazer Boy/Girl - Simple Clothes for student, Made for give away on Japanese school event. Most of time was spend on the emblem to make it...
-Quick Draw -Ami chans request, from Burst Angel?, cowboys cap added later.... hmm still need practice to cap making though.
-Simple Boxer - Boxer top and bottom for Druid's request.

-Latex full body suit(Skin) for hurly, give her and Aoife to check. I will make white version by her asked and open version, also mask part texture. I will make some sort of mask type texture / full body cyborg(french doll or barbie+cyborg for girl Im thinking) / Harf Animal when I got additional ideas for them eiather.
-Black/Red Slit / Kaze for Ami-chans event give away. I said soon to make but wait bit till Feb please X)
-Request from Itsuware Kawabata.
-Girls colored Kang fu fighting especialy red, request from Tizzy.
-BDSM armor for slave, request from SmiplySimon.-Infomation tower for shop it self.

-catsuits legs / fin texture for VampireErotica.
-box photo / Wolf fur texture for Zore.-School swimwear under altanation for naomi chan, my be this will become life thema for me about making under pants.
-About another Shinigami, Alna keeping try to make them. I will backed out of the outfits.

Shop Update:
-3 Vendors added, Ash Katana, Chroma's furries clothes and Treebee's hair. All of people are friend of B@R as you guys know. :) becouse of it, changed shop bit. Kelindra will join for the party soon.
-Clothes list -Made by Hina. thank you. She will keep update for us.
-Poll - Clothes request poll, I will check sometime. I think forget to Add Lori X) I will check if I can add.-B@R VIP group members are now over 100 people for number! its keep going up, tank you for keep invite and intrest with it. :)
-Renew for classified, 50 one for selected.

Sharrow Dream:
-New Staff for the spa, sophie and Vannesh. Ely will add the member. You can get detail for the spa from infomation tower, so please check there.
-Keep update for the looks, still working till satisfied for me. :p
-Renew for classified, 50 one for selected.

-New Blanch - Rainbow Tiger Mall by customers request.
-New Blanch - Bloody21by customers request.
-Droped Blanch once from Paradise 69 they gona changed the mall.
-Added Items to Doloy mall.
-Added Items to Treebees mall.
-Getting offer from one of escort club.

My Diary:
-Love to flying around whole of SIMs around to find new things, meet to new friends around, Tried first gambling on SL, won 3times of the money. yay! but its scary if we have gambring machine on our shop. Owner doing gambling too with player 7/24, so, no rest time for them!
-Japanese school has success, many of people coming to learn japanese from sophie with one hour supplementary lesson! arigatou gozaimasita!


Blogger June Dion said...

sophie chan! next time we should be the day without your event. then you can more relax, and Im looking forward to next class by you! :)

2:57 AM  

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