Dec. 21 Update
I was busy in rl/sl socould not update last week... Also this is might be last update in thisyear, so, everyone, thank you for this year for helping store lot, happyholiday and happy new year!
I guess all you staff joined to B@R VIP group and noticed the Xmass giftfor VIP only (Please join if you not in yet X)) . I hope all people likethe gifts. If you want to give gift to our VIP too, please feel free toplace on VIP room. Its gonna remove Dec 25 0:00, so hurry. :) Exclusivesand box, sepcial gifts and room, exclusive model, if our customer feelsthey are realy VIP, Im so happy :)
If any customer you find who should be join, please feel free to invite them to the Xmass gift :)
-Goth + primitive + cyber clothes, for boys and girls both.
-Shinigami Captain by request(Hina).
-Succubus skin with succubus type clothes.
-Koko's makeup.
-WHite cat demon(mens) by request.
-New mens long hair by request.
-Mesh mini skirt by request.
-Cami/babydoll type clothes.
-Prims Shiny Lips. thank you for the idea, Koko :)
-manicure, pedicure
-Body shop, Done finaly. Price is more then expensive then old skin alsoUFOnly's Skin, also few seams glitch what I couldnt done, also no sex onit, lot of negative point but the price is if much with it... and hopepeople like more then old skin. Only basic cosme there so please let meknow if you have idea for special.
-Made Ogo radio place on south west of the SIM, Lori working for help Billyto set up the place. Going to be interactive event with listner. Also Billyplanning launch evebt for the radio.
-Japanese style pub will place next Feb Five mall. if there to be infomationhub for japanese style place, who'd like to japan experience.
-SL Vogue offer us join to designer of combine fashion show, talking about detail right now. Koko is person in charge right now.
-New map / teleporter for store. Thank you Lance and Zore for help.
-After the update, SIM easy to got slow so removed some script, and myitems while it fixed. if you have any un using script, please remove itas you can.
-Hina making 2007 calaneder, will give away on this weekend.
-New DJ: Alura Delorean, 1or 2 more DJ add on planning.
-We will have big event in this Xmass, by Vivi, she planning nice one likeHallowin one, I will make two of special clothes again.
-Name That Game, Van's event, Ami's Tribia and Furry Event.4 Events for this week.
-Catsle Bran, my friend's place, she offer me free house. Goth items going to place.
-Some mall offer me but too busy so still not discuss it well yet...
-Done for leather jacket, offer by Mystik Blackhawk from Dreamers Adult and Fantasy, will ask the first impression (to be freebe).
-Prize supply, Club Gravity Room, Ami is person in charge.
-The project I worked part of outfits is open to pub, Its AvaStar by Bild.T,so let you know, I was just understand making clothes for magazine staff,but figured the out detail now X)