Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dec. 1 Update

Done for Xmass deco, also new SIM just arrived, done for sandbox for our VIP, now building Spa as new looks, 30% done so if I have enough time, the spa will move to Black Cat on this weekend.

-GL Mini Kimono...Kimono but combine with skirt instead of it should be, seems to be people like it, so may be another patturn might be coming like tartan, lace and such.
-Miko Dress...Lost original texture for mini miko, the outfits has custome version of friends, so remake it as new looks for it.
-Denim Jacket 205 B/F...Usual looks denim jacket, girls version arranged snow symbol for this season.
-Da Punk...Lacky Chair only item, mens punk as original made,
-Color Chop / L ... Chop pants with some color, red / white line would be good for this season, but bit cold though. :p
-Dark Angel / L... This weeks goth, open front and tied. Made from skin for texture what working.
-17/18...Special raffle items for this week, so, no regular raffle item.
-Holy Knight...Cheap holiday clothes for mens, since Santa Kimono is only for girl.

-Working for euro real life company outfits by order from them, since they have short of the time... almost done for all of bases.
-Tartan Tartan Purple by request.
-Angel + Fur by request.
-Argyle shirts with hourglass skirt.
-more santa outfits.
-Mesh mini skirt by request.
-White mens coat by request.
-Camo Down.
-Cami/babydoll type clothes.
-Free clothes for Sab's SIM (our furry DJ) .
-Yakuza clothes for men.

-Xmass Deco,
-Lucky Chair on near of mens wall.
-New Helper: yukiko omegamu

-Billy changing the stream to put more Xmass song on radio.
-Planning radiobox...we have a part what using for group land to put event stars. I will place radio box there as Billy's mini office, to be like HQ of the Ogo Radio,

Book store:
-Koko keep added magazine, and pillows, looks more comfortable :)

-Now open, 4 hours return time, B@R VIP only could enter, 4 hours timer right now if no problem, will going extend more. Since limitation entering, no greafer, no lag(as we can do X) ) building guarantee for our customer,
-Model light box, and lighting attachment (to make simulate method for real film shooting method) placed.
-Free Pose and Script.
-VIP only clothes will add this place later, so this sand box turn to huge VIP room for purpose.

-2 Raffle, Name That Game, Van's event, and Furry Event. 5 Event for this week.

-Metabird:New Japanese business center.
-DeathDealerz Mall

-Sponsor:Pixel Sumo, for this weeks event.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Nov. 22 Update

About one month left for Xmass! We will going to decolation and such to be Xmass slowly, I will change texture for dance floor and such to be good for Xmass slowly. :)

-Kunoichi Alian Hunter.. While making under shirts for "Stripe retro bare", was playing around... then result is this suit... Fire Prince + Commando + Kunoichi like one. And made it to be cyber, so Alian name puted on it.
-Fire Prince...Leather Prince + Racer suit + Fantasy. Mixd 3 for mens Black trim one puted on the box after starting to sale by request.
-Simple Furniture...Some regular furniture I want in rl :p made for bookstore basicaly. Thank you fro Hina to give me a pose ball.
-Unusual Fairytale...Starting idea is Fairytale's princess to be more goth like.
-Santa Kimono...This is old one, released last Xmass.
-Dark Omen...Hina named this evil looks sword, made for KULL Baron, who making DarkLife weapon, he will put script on it and find on DarkLife world with our landmark and B@R tag. :)

-Tartan Tartan Brown will out tomorow morning.
-Stripe version of Retro Bare like, top is done but not idea for under so pending now.
-Some santa outfits.
-Texture for store.
-Mesh mini skirt by request.
-White mens coat by request.
-Camo Down.
-Cami/babydoll type clothes.
-Free clothes for Sab's SIM (our furry DJ) .
-Yakuza clothes for men.

-On manager meeting, we decided 3 Strike rule apply now on staff, and its active now, please refer the group notice for detail.
-Re-organized DJ Schedule,
-Added Furnation ATM on store, we are first SIM outside of Furnation. :)
-New Helper: Hensonian Pennyfeath

-Name is Ogo Radio, what Billy picked up. Still preparing for it.

Book store:
-Added some magazine, almost done for deco, and starting good :)

-Name That Game, Van's event, and Furry Event. 3 Event for this week.
-Asking to Vivi and Van for Xmas event,

-Billy got AV name as "BareRose Tokyo" for me X), Since Tokyo is available for last name in this week, just for a name, no idea at this time what to use X)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Nov. 17 Update

Copybot week! X) All of things moved dynamically while Im sleeping and working for rl. While the time, Im faced upon problem another texture copys way while as it realized from a customer, and that is nothing I can protect from it without change my policey. Can't say detail here but its traditional stuff. I can only watch it but nothing can do.

-Elegent Gothic Lolita Graveyard Hotaru...Made for the Naomi's lolita event, Long dress for this season. :) Named by Axeonos who got princess.
-Elegent Gothic Lolita Graveyard Hotaru Tartan...More long name X) Just turtan went fit with it so made as additional.
-Sentry Snake...Result of marriage with goth and snake hide, unisex.
-Lady Snake...Dress version as goth + snake hide.
-Snake Shirts...Free one for raffle trade/regular.
-Dark Sentry / Lady...Goth black coat for winter.
-TenHurly...Sheerd uniform, request from tenshiko, took name from them :)
-Warm Leather Boots...New freebe, Rumi made prims, I made texture for it. Shared with Nagaya, japanese comunity.
-Fullbody Net...The one usualy seling on langerie store for adult. I was tried some time but seams and some shape stuff were problem but got solution and made it by used 3D softwear.
-Brutas...Mens loincloth outfits, got request from hmm 2 month ago or so X) Aoife gave me lockmaster script but due to bug, couldnt put it...
-Benten...Tried to makign kimono...I dont know when it change to fantasy X)
-Maki...Tried to makign kimono again... I dont know when it change to casual X) Couldnt make good color combination well.... so cheep price more then another.
-10LS Mens Model Bodyshape...Customer asked me to sale my mens shape, so adjust face bit and put on there. Hands is bit bigger, becouse not good balance with some outfits with prims. For your infomation, all mens skin from Nomine.
-10LS Mens Hiars...Was Only girls hair on 10LS so added mens hair too.
-Japanese standing light...To made books store deco, 3 lamp bandle.

Small notice here, If person bought my hair without skin, the eyeblow going to be white since using texture hair. I found why almost hair builder using bald based now X) If custoemr ask about it, recomand to get skin or change base hair color please.. I will consider to make 10Linden Skin sometime...

-Lulu, Alan helping prims, and got suggestion to fix after that, done. :)
-Tartan Tartan Brown from elka's rquest.
-Mesh mini skirt by request.
-White mens coat by request.
-Camo Down.
-Cami/babydoll type clothes.
-Free clothes for Sab's SIM (our furry DJ) .
-Free clothes for Van's idea what stuff is match so might be up prize for it. :p
-Yakuza clothes for men.
-Cyber Ninjya/Kunoichi if I can get idea. Yes tried 2 times X)
-Stripe version of Retro Bare like.

APS is available 2 of them on store, left one is original one, right one for staff who become recentry.
-New Helper: Koko Brentano / Caliah Lyon / Angela Gateaux (retry) / Lori Nori / Tatsu Reatequi
-New Greeter: Mama Gaea / Pixie Tungl / Seven Sohmers / Asha Heike / Lolalikes barbarino

We are going to start 24 hour radio station project, what you can see around on SL/internet, We are just estabrish with Billy, and keep sponsoring it. Now renting rl stream via Billy, will get URL soon :) After launch, test running and starting to get another sponsor, Planning to be the station more intrective between listner, and supply some prize we can give people who listen. thats mean people listen each of them house like rl radio. not club purpose it self.

Book store:
-Book store is now open :) hope peopl like the place, Koko Brentano is person in charge. she was hard to work for launch. Thank you very much :) We are keep looking for magazine and back number of them so, please tell Koko if you know one. Since SL is diffarent form RL, vending machine is popular so not looks like rl book store, so, will do something notice to be match with as book store in SL, also I will keep update the place to more confortable for reading.

-Vendor offer from SNS called (Did You Date, LLC's SL property), made them advertise tee and starting give away.
-Vendor offer/Event help from goth mall/club DeathDealerZ, not setup there yet but Ami helped them thir event. Keep talking with them :)
-Vendor offer again from Vampire empire, placed selected goth items there.

UFOnly HQ Joined us on BR island, please welcome our new friend :) Eternalynn, who is designer akrady places lot of 10 Linden items on the store too If we can do something with her like event later :)

-2 Rafflem, Name That Game, Van's event, Furry Event so 5 events week :)
-EGL Graveyard Hotal is result of the Lori event
-About Furnation event, Ely is now famous!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Nov. 9 Update

Still waiting Black Cat SIM, And bit busy in RL... so less infomation bit but some news there X)

Book Store project:
-Next new project is book store on B@R SIM :D I dont know a place all magaizine you can read so, I got this idea. Starting building slowly.Aafter done the place, I will asking to publisher to place book. . If you have recomand magazine (no porn but skin catlog like one by designer is good), please let me know. I dont care its just advertise magazine and fashion catlog by another designer. also they can place landmark too :)
-Asking helper for book store as charge of person. If you have intresting to join this project, please let me know :) I promiss you can meet lot of nice editor, photographer, publisher with this job. :)

UFOnly : Eternalynn Calliope:
Still asking, but Eternalynn join us to work togather :) will open her store on Seren or Sharrow dream, looking around it soon and if reopen her store as soon as possible. She will join to 10L store too. :D

10 Linden Store project:
-Added mesn/womens underwear, swimwear, woman hair. Since treebe added skins, and Akira added womens shoes, Also Chroma starting build AV. I guess just need mens hair and mens shoes then parfect! I will try make them in this weekend.

Club Branch Project:
-Talk with Aoife to build club. Just starting to think so I donno what it will going on, but the club will place on main land or another SIM becouse it will going to have adult contents for mainly.

-Never down under 20k trafics, might be they makes trafic becouse they serch around while for put bomb :p To Manager, please restart SIM time by time if you felt lag anytime, but dotn miss announce first, 2min is too short prepare to move X).
-For All Staff, please keep eyes about scam, From View menu, turn on Highlight Transparent and sometime check store, Ginko ATM and ground to find suspect transparent item what cover it.

-B@R Swimwear store is opne on Cocololo island. Rocky, my friend gave me free vendor space, and since its resort, Im selected swimwear and hula girl for sales items. Since not so many swimwear I have, places 10 linden items as exception here. There is very nice place for relax so recomand to visit :)
-Removed branch from Arsheba, As you know, there is getting best trafics on SL, becouse of it, they having problem by heavy lag, and if the action cool donw the SIM bit. :) I swear no offence X)

Pending(My reminder):
-Elegent Gothic Lolita : Graveyard Hotaru, what Axeonos named the dress what give away on Naomi's event, she is princess of the event :) , relese on tonight, This clothes goign to sale but gave away without pink version on Naomi's event but pink was not X) I will ask to Naomi to give them who attend event.
-Free clothes for Sab's SIM (our furry DJ) .
-Tenshiko's transparent uniform X) its very naughty X)
-Free clothes for Van's event.
-Yakuza clothes for mens.
-Cyber Ninjya/Kunoichi if I can get idea.
-Stripe version of Retro Bare like.

-Lori event by naomi, some custoemr told me it was nice event :)
-Van's regular event, Cigra's name that game(made new exclusive outfits called Crimson Pheonix for this month for winner), and Furry event, its new regular 3 :)

"In August, the 20 best-selling Second Life fashion designers generated a combined $140,466 in sales, Linden says." Just I can say, I guess Im not popular so much :p
-Patch Lamington asked me to quote his script, first experience for me :D

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Nov. 2 Update

All people enjoy the Hallween event, lot of applause I got... but I couldnt attend X) Hope next time, on Xamss :)
Im cought cold, still not so much good, but going to better now, and 3days holiday here, also 3 big announce here.

-Becouse of SIM prices will inclear, I got one more SIM for future from last sales(resavetion was not works X) ). Name is 'Black Cat' (nothing certain mean there, just love black kitty :p) and next east of BR SIM. As planning, Sharrow Dream will move to the SIM and make BR SIM to whole of store/mall first. Then Black Cat SIM going to spa/house place. As one of idea, make BR VIP only sandbox as place for one of restoration to customer. I donno when the SIM will show up, Anyhow, I will set up there slowly this time, so not ETA for compleat, will announce time by time. :)
-We will going to open 10 Linden store in this friday, what all items seling as L$ 10. Yes, kinda like 99 cent shop around. Like RL one, All of kind item should be here, So, keep building and add here or make small item what waste pieces from cutting cloth while making regular one. Main purpose is 1) People lead mall place more, some people complain who has vendor back side of store, to help them. 2) Easy to make additional for regular clothes (However, If the regular clothes has problem or whole of them, We will send person by person what we doing now). 3) Havent see yet (least on me) so think might be fun X). Since not freebe, People will have fun of select. For balancing issue around vendor and regular clothes, keep make them as is part, or small stuff. And if people come here to buy small additional. :)
-We got own stream, send the infomation to all of DJ, if you are staff and intresting to use the stream, please tell me :) For BR Radio(Music and voice infomation for our sotre), will take more time to know around how to do X)

New Products:
-Dragonfly, Mantis...Cyber outfits for women and men, Hina asked me cyber outfits, from game called PSU. Im forget much the design, so refer some cyber, such a gundom... ya lot of diffarent as result X) Mantis on is got design issue, not so much good... and gatherd layer while making, thats mean cant make new colors, so cheep. X)
-Revolt 69/Revolt 69 Lady...Starting from request, what mens version of Tartan Tartan, But very casual looks at all. Lady version is looks slut but I like :p, so if girls dont like, men's version would be work. Lady version is "miss to gather layer"(tm)... so cant make simple version. but shoes and some band added.
-School Girl...For Hina's story line. very simple school girl outfits in Japan. Fixed bag to be same as the box image, also long skirt after the release. Hard to adjust the skirt with the base this time... X)
-White Rose vs. Red Rose...Langerie dress like Langerie AmiAmi line.
-Arsheba White Unifrom...Done for them.
-25 of 10 Linden items. Easy one like tee shirts with diffarent print, color and such. Also Furniture.
-Ziplot..New raffle item for this week, mens.
-THeart...New special raffle item for this week.

-rubber Mini skirt dress. Making now, will out soon.
-Free item for Van/Furry event, cowboy hut would be go this time. for Furry, make it small one what dont cover ears.
-Project with Rumi to make mens shoes
-More 10LS Items. Simple underwear and socks what usefull with another clothes would be add.
-Mini business suit.
-Wolf tooth necklace/earing
-Gold trims winter clothes (fantasy style) by request.
-Huge hand outfits, aslo have request about it, original one working by Haven.
-Tiger or snake skin outfits.
-Goth and Japanese wedding, need some design idea in my mind.
-Regular version of Beast AO by request, done for harf but stopping X)
-Celtic monster, got idea while reading Halloween stories.